Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What to eat after Stomach Flu?

What to eat after Stomach Flu?

Once the patient has overcome the stomach flu, diarrhea and vomiting, light, clear soups or broths could be given to replenish the nutritional requirements. These should be preferably homemade as it would be devoid of any cornstarch or preservatives. Tomatoes should be avoided as these could be acidic and aggravate the stomach lining. A broth made of boiled vegetables would be ideal. It should be strained to remove fibre and seeds as this could be difficult to digest.

Good eating habits after Stomach Flu recovery

Once the patient is able to retain some food, a light, bland diet could be given. The BRAT diet comprising of bananas, rice, apples and toast is quite popular. Apples can be had in the form of apple sauce. Rice can be had with soup or even yoghurt. Toast is always easier to digest than fresh white bread. Instead of toast the patient can also be given plain crackers.

Dont eat heavy and hard to digest food after stomach flu

If the patient is able to retain this food, some more solid food can be introduced to his diet.  Sliced boiled or mashed potatoes, without butter and cream would help “bind” the stomach. Plain chicken breast (skinless) would also be nutritious. It should be cooked without fat and spice. Red meat would be difficult to digest and should be completely avoided.

A light chicken noodle soup or a chicken rice soup would be nutritious and easy to digest. It would add both liquids and solids in one meal. Light, skinless fish cooked without any spices or sauces, could be added to the diet once the patient is able to retain food and is on the way to recovery.

A small helping of non-citrus fresh fruit would be beneficial. Peaches, apples and bananas can be added to the diet of a person recovering from stomach flu.

What a person eats after an attack of stomach flu, should be nutritious, bland and devoid of spices and fat.

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